An Interview with Jeanne Bannon, author of “Invisible”

Today, I’m interviewing fellow author Jeanne Bannon, whose book, Invisible, has been released by Solstice Publishing. First off, welcome to my little corner of Net, Jeanne, and why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?

Jeanne: Hi Geoff. Thank you for having me. I’m a freelance editor and have worked in the publishing industry for over twenty years. After years of editing, I decided it was time to do what I love most, writing. Invisible is my debut novel.

Geoff: In a nutshell, what is Invisible about?

Jeanne: Invisible is a young adult novel about a 17-year-old girl named Lola. Lola doesn’t fit in anywhere. She’s not pretty. She’s not popular. She wishes she could disappear and one day she does.

Geoff: What was the inspiration for Invisible?

Jeanne: Lola is a victim of bullying and for a couple of years in grade school, I was too. I remember wishing I could simply vanish. I suppose it came from that dreadful experience.

Geoff: When you were writing your novel, did you encounter any major stumbling blocks along the way?

Jeanne: Not with this one. Invisible was incredibly easy to write and I had it finished in four months. It was a gift and I probably won’t ever have that experience again. I wrote Invisible while on a break from another novel. I’m still working on that other novel!

Geoff: What was your favourite scene in the novel, if you have one?

Jeanne: I don’t want to say because it will give away something important in the novel, but it was a turning point for Lola. A point where she has to face her ‘super power’ alone.

Geoff: Did you base any of your characters on real people?

Jeanne: A wee bit. I took small bits and pieces from family and friends, but none of the characters are entirely based on anyone I know.

Geoff: I like to ask you how your experience with Solstice has been thus far. As you know they’re an up-and-coming publisher, with a rapidly growing stable of authors. How has your experience with Solstice been, from initial acceptance of the manuscript on through to publication?

Jeanne: So far so good. I like interacting with all the other Solstice authors and the feeling of support I get from them from our little yahoo group. Since this is my first book, I have nothing to compare it to. Solstice moves fast, which is something I like. Both the e-book and paperback versions are now available.

Geoff: Do you have any words of advice for people out there just getting started on the road to authordom?

Jeanne: The best advice I can give is to find a great writing critique group. I found one online and made great friends and received invaluable advice.

Geoff: Now that Invisible is out, what is the best way to get a hold of a copy?

Jeanne: Invisible is on Amazon, Smashwords, and of course can be purchased from Solstice Publishing directly.

Geoff: What else do you have in store for readers? Would you care to say what you’re working on right now?

Jeanne: I’m finishing up my paranormal thriller, Dark Angel. I hope to have it polished to a high gloss very soon and ready to shop it around by the end of the year.



I’ve worked in the publishing industry for over twenty years. I started my career as a freelance journalist, then worked as an in-house editor for LexisNexis Canada and currently work as a freelance editor and writer.

I’ve had several short stories published and won first place in the Writes of Caledon Short Story Contest. My novels, The Barely Boy and Dark Angel were finalists in the 2010 and 2011 Strongest Start Contests. One of my short stories, “Thom’s Journey”, is part of an Anthology entitled A Visitor to Sandahl and is available at

Invisible, my debut novel, is about a teenage girl who isn’t happy with herself and wishes she could disappear. And one day she does. Invisible is available on Amazon, Smashwords, and the Solstice Publishing website.

When not reading or writing, I enjoy being with my daughters, Nina and Sara and my husband, David. I’m also the proud mother of two fur babies, a sweet Miniature Schnauzer named Emily and Spencer, a rambunctious tabby, who can be a very bad boy.


If you want to learn more, you can contact Jeanne…

…through her Blog

…on Facebook

…or follow her on Twitter!


Invisible is available at:

Amazon (E-book and Paperback)

Solstice Publishing (E-book and Paperback)


You can also view Jeanne’s book trailer, too!

Presenting “Hooked”, by Jim Baugh!


Available at:
Solstice Publishing



HOOKED is based on the true-life story of Virginia outdoor television producer Jim Baugh. Jim Baugh Outdoors TV is one of Americas most diverse and entertaining outdoor programs and has been in syndication since 1989.

HOOKED is a hilarious behind-the-scenes story of filming a southern outdoor TV show. From the Chesapeake Bay to Key West, these on-location excursions will make your sides hurt with laughter. You’ll meet a cast of seafaring characters full of colour and humor – from the docks in Gloucester, Virginia to the Atlantic Ocean, and a boat load of jolly swashbuckling Pirates. The stories and characters in HOOKED are timeless and span a period of over forty years.

HOOKED also explores the solemn drama of dealing with divorce, death, and mental illness.

The novel also delves into the totally crazy and insane world of mid-life on-line computer dating. This is a hilarious look at dating in the computer world after 25 years of solid marriage. These “Dating” stories are contemporary, racy, scary, cheerful, timeless, and based on true events. Anyone who is old enough to date will soon relate to HOOKED as the comical reference for dating in the new millennium.

This adult romantic comedy story also relates to the power and testament of faith.

50 Years of an exciting, action packed, and extremely charismatic colourful life and career, packed into 28 chapters. It is a fast ride for sure!


Jim Baugh has been producing National and Regional television shows for 25 years. Programs include: Jim Baugh Outdoors TV (220 episodes), Ski East, Classic Fishing. Fishing Virginia and, RV Times.

Jim has written over 300 columns for numerous magazines during the last 20 years including: Motor boating Magazine, Fishing Smart, The Chesapeake Angler, The Sportsman Magazine and Travel Virginia Magazine.

Stop by the bar to hang out with Jim!!!